Madan OP and Societal Values

Please note that the following blog post is neither in support of nor in denial to the events that are happening in the current scenario of a person named "Madan OP". At the time of writing this blog I'm going by the name Madan OP only because the media has stated so and I wouldn't be talking about his personal life but only what he had done in the online community vs the societal stereotyping.

It is a well known news by now that a person named Madan OP had been arrested for abusing girls (in general) online. Few days back, I had gone to his so called videos on YouTube and listened to just one video and I do confirm that he did use abusive language.

Hold up... So, what's the catch?

Let's date back to couple of months back,
Gen Z is in Instagram while the Millennials are just chilling with the Facebook, aren't we? Yup. So, being that same old millennial I was on Facebook this one day. Owing to the fact that Facebook's algorithm has changed drastically over a period of time, it is now suggesting unwanted and unnecessary videos and stories online (stuffs where girls are dancing in their so called glamorous dress and showcasing moves and they aren't even film actresses or models - just ordinary people like us, can I say?) which I didn't opt to view.

So? Yeah..
Have you seen how Facebook also suggests videos of live streamers? I got across a live streaming Tamil girl playing PUBG, her name starts with 'S' - I don't remember the full name coz' you see I don't pay attention to all these things much. Was is it a WOW! moment for me? Nope, There was nothing fascinating about a live streaming Tamil girl playing PUBC to me but one thing surprised me was that she was abusing men. She was going on and on about saying all these creepy and nasty stuffs about men. It was very derogatory. What was the Facebook comments saying? Men were going full rampage in it supporting her. What-a-normal-desi-men?! I was listening to it for a minute or so and moved on. All I was thinking was, what an evolutionary marvel? Girls talking shxt and doing shxt are made famous in our online community coz' we see it as something very different, giving in to the fact that we as Indians are still sticking with the age-old-saving-our-traditional-value kind of stuffs. According to those values, it's not written anywhere but, Girls don't talk shxt (even if they do, we'll just neglect it and pretend nothing has happened) but Guys sure do (so when they do, uski pakad kar maar denge online pe buss ho gaya, uska poora life dobo daala).

What's the point?
Madan OP got caught in this same old value that is so deeply engraved in our desi mind. HE talked shxt, got caught online and is now about to face possible jail time. WHEREAS SHE talked shxt, did get caught online and is yet free out there among us (possibly she might unplug her whole computer by now. what a darpok? Isn't she?) coz' it's a SHE and SHE forbode spoke any derogatory stuff. We'll assume that and just move on with our life.


I am concerned about the Generation Alpha. May god save the humanity. Haha?! Ha?

Do you want me to conclude whether I support or deny the arresting of Madan OP?
I'll leave that for you to decide but I strongly suggest you not to bring in Psudo-feminist shxt to me. I don't buy that stuff you're smoking. I don't smoke, per se.


- logi


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