The Witness To A Dog's Murder

It was back in 2005, I was at my mom's native place. My cousins had come there for a function gathering and the things around seemed fine. We had breakfast and I went to play with my cousin. Me and one of my cousin went on a cycle ride. The road near our house is always busy as it is the only way connecting the surrounding villages to the main city. I sat as pillion on the cycle and we came as far as one and half kilometer. I got down from the cycle and my cousin went ahead along a narrow lane while i was watching the main road at my right side.
That is when I saw that horrific incident which made me restless forever.
As I saw, a government bus was plying along that road. Just near our house there was a stop. It halted there for half a minute and it again started. There was a dog which was sleeping at the right side of the road. The bus driver horned, the dog got frightened, woke up and started running along the road. The bus was accelerating, giving no space for the dog to get out of the way, and it was just ahead of the left Tyre. Eventually, the bus gained speed and ran over the dog. First, its tail went below the Tyre, pulling its body beneath it across its stomach. There was a huge howl and silence. I ran to see the dog. It laid there panting, cut across the stomach, bleeding with organs out of the body. Then it had its last breath and went lifeless forever.
There were people in the bus, people along the road but no one said a word. The bus sped off and it was gone. I was frozen at the place after witnessing such a terrible thing.
Even now i can hear the dog's howl when it got ran over. Tears covered my eyes uncontrollably and i ran off to my home. I couldn't sleep properly that night.
My mind kept popping out questions:
The dog hadn't been disturbing anyone and it was calmly taking a nap at side of the road which gave enough room for the bus to passby, then why it had to be ran over??
Why couldn't the bus driver just slow off a bit and let the dog escape from getting killed??
Everyone saw it as just a dog that got killed but no one thought about the life it had lost??
Is that how the humans tend to treat other humans. let alone the dog??

Of course this post is about a dog because it is worth a LIFE.
I could have called it accident or incident but NO !! it was a cold blooded murder.
It wasn't an accident; the bus driver had the intention to gain speed and kill the dog.
It wasn't just an incident; it costs a life.
It was a cold blooded murder.

For centuries, only dog had been a loyal and friendly animal to humans because it had evolved along with us, even wolves and foxes belong to the same family, but we don't have them as pets at our homes.

"A human who is not kind to a dog cannot be kind to anyone"


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